Glaucoma patients are generally characterized as having high pressure inside the eye; however, in our Valley population normal intra-ocular pressure glaucoma is just as common as the high tension variety. Glaucoma cannot be cured; however, all glaucomas are treated by lowering the pressure inside the eyes with eye drops, lasers, or surgery. Whether a patient has high intra-ocular pressure glaucoma or normal intra-ocular pressure glaucoma, the treatment is the same: Lowering the pressure inside the eye helps to preserve the health of the optic nerve and maintain a life with sight in most cases.
Glaucoma is a disease that ultimately leads to blindness if not treated and is present in up to 2% of the US population. African Americans are three times more likely to develop glaucoma than whites. After the age of 60, Latinos develop glaucoma at the same rate as African Americans.
It is widely recognized that glaucoma is hereditary. If one or both of your parents have glaucoma or if one of your siblings has glaucoma, then you are likely to be a glaucoma suspect. Diabetes can also increase your risk of developing glaucoma. To find out if you have glaucoma or if you feel that you are at risk of developing glaucoma, schedule an appointment with one of our doctors.
This nerve presents with large amounts of cupping that eats up part of the neuroretinal rim tissue superiorly. This is called notching. An optic nerve that presents with notching is usually positive for glaucoma.
This optic nerve has a high degree of pallor, which optometrists refer to as cupping. The neuroretinal rim surrounding the cupping is very thin. This optic nerve deserves further investigation to find out whether it has glaucoma.
This nerve is suspicious for glaucoma as it shows pallor, which optometrists refer to as cupping; however the neuroretinal rim tissue surrounding the cup looks healthy. Having a large amount of cupping does not mean the patient has glaucoma, but this nerve definitely deserves further investigation to prove that it does not have glaucoma.
A normal optic nerve usually 2-3 mm in diameter. All optic nerves should be inspected at the time of your eye exam.