Contact Lens Fittings

Contact Lens Fittings

Contact lenses are medical devices that allow for the correction of refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia.  With today’s contact lens materials and technology, our doctors can fit you with contact lenses that will allow you to work and enjoy your recreational activities while enjoying good comfortable vision.  Our large inventory of disposable diagnostic contact lenses makes it possible to try on contact lenses on your first visit.  At Edinburg Vision Center we fit various types of contact lenses including specialty lenses for keratoconus, high astigmatism, and cosmetic lenses.  Our technicians will show you how to insert, remove, clean, and store your contact lenses.  To find out if you are a potential contact lens wearer, or if you already wear contact lenses, schedule an appointment with one of our doctors.
